Saturday, September 18, 2010

How you know you are making a life change.

I can't actually claim to have compeletely turned my life around yet, and really, I feel no need for this post. But, as this blog is supposed to chronicle {n., a detailed narrative record or report, yes, I'm working on GRE :-D} the development towards a life change, it is almost obligatory to put something down my achievements in the last week or so. Of course, this list is not to be taken as final and conclusive; but it is probably the kind of mid-way marker which is practically usable.
So, here goes, in no particular order:
1. You are able to joke with people you are furious with, and/or dislike; your turn-around times for poker faces is gradually but surely tending to zero.
2. You ab-so-lu-te-ly detest, and disown, your earlier written/other work - even something as simple as an e-mail.
3. You spend the whole day running around, and then wonder vaguely why you feel like you deserve a treat.
4. You start productive procrastination: by this, I mean that the need to procrastinate a certain undesireable job is no longer a paralysing force, and you are able to fit other things into your schedule. Basically, you get a life. Ref:
4a. Corrolary, the items on the top of your structured procrastination list have a greater chance of seeing the light of day. (By definition, of course, this rate can never be 100%. But an improvement nevertheless.)
5. You find yourself thinking that maybe, just maybe, you'll find somethng to do in your life which you actually enjoy.
6. And this last one is more in the nature of a general indicator of living a great life: your life goal and purpose become too important (and fun), for you to sweat the small stuff, the technicalities of how you'll reach there.


  1. Loved this -

    your turn-around times for poker faces is gradually but surely tending to zero

    And of course, structured procrastination!! :)

  2. thanks!!! check out the other stuff by the guy on that link - he's got this awesum article ondieting; another on organization of work...the newer stuff isn't bad, but not quite that good, either.
