Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Take a chance on me....

I right now only have access to ABBA songs: and take a chance on me is my all-time favourite. There's something about those lyrics...If you change your mind, then I'm the first in line... meaning I'll hang around even when you are being bludy obtuse. If you've got no place to go, I'll put my life on hold, to be there for you.

I know that this is not an emotion usually associated with me - even I don't associate myself with it. But it has to be said, there is something brave in the whole concept. It doesn't sound brave, or even sane, if you think of it rationally...but it still feels like that.

It's messed-up, a recepie for disaster. I doub't if I'd ever be in that situation, and if I am, I certainly will not react that way. But don't we all just love the idea of being the self-sacrificing scapegoat.

On the other hand, maybe I just like the idea of being able to prove my worth even if the odds are stacked against me - but that's not actually going to happen by sitting around and waiting. So why do I like this song???

I'll leave you with another poem I came across, by Walt Whitman: it is equally romanticist, or idealist, but positive in tone. I'll deconstruct it some other time.